As a filmmaker

“The American Pavilion Announces 2024 Emerging Filmmaker Showcase”

Read full article on Filmmaker Magazine


“Jay Liu packs a lot of ideas into Anywhere the Wind Blows and manages to keep each point in balance”

Read full review of “Anywhere the Wind Blows”


“An audiovisually impressive short that manages to present its comments and main themes eloquently”

Read full review of “Anywhere the Wind Blows”


“Liu’s images reflect the character’s fears, feelings and aspirations … Anywhere the Wind Blows is a strong short.”

Read full review of “Anywhere the Wind Blows”


A Journey of Identity and Resistance in ‘Anywhere the Wind Blows’, Filmmakers Jay Liu and Dalton Zongshian Lu share it all with us.

Read full interview on GHMovieFreak


As a festival programmer

「港產片世界各地遍地開花 電影節總監:港電影無須取悅他人來生存」

Read full interview on Radio Free Asia


「在美港人辦香港電影節 全球線上放映《幻愛》 稱受戲院取消重映事件啟發」

Read full interview on